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Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Y 2:26 am

Hehe I decided to revive the blog a bit with the help of Yen Han :D Received pictures that we took last year together when we went to play at Pasir Ris park!
I remembered that I loved that day, turning wild XD



Haha I really missed my younger days..... LOL turning sentimentals.....

Anyways I decided to do an analysis of Yen Han's name, just like I once did for Cassandra's name. Figured would be cooool to find out what her name really means.

SEARCHING FOR 彦 (yan)...

Ah ha!

Smart knowledgeable, morally upright…

Lucky her....

Let's look for the next character....


Which basically means she knows how to cherish and endure! Yeah!

Wow I guess her parents really know how to choose names huh cos’ she has all the qualities of the characters in her name and even more!
XD love ya Yen Han!!!! :P

Monday, December 01, 2008 Y 6:37 pm

Oops I havent look at my blog for ages.... larh larh larh so sorry to all the people who didn't receive replies to their tags... Apologies...

Actually holidays this time round is pretty routine so i really have nothing much to write about lehs...

I put on weight though, even after i threw up my dinner a few days ago.... Rarrhh i hate it!!! ):

Stupid brother is as tall as me but so much lighter.

People will ask me for my name when i return to school.

'Cos they dont even noe who the hell am i.....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Y 6:39 pm

Haha just watched the movie "钱不够用 2"... Kind of a long ago movie but it was super duper funny sia.... It's so... Singaporean-like... 不爽就 complain lor...

Went to Orchard Road after that, seeing lots and lots of ERPs.... :D (like the one above)! There was this place behind Takashimaya and beside some Park Suites place with lots and lots of ERPs! Like one every 2 metres, and there were around 3-4 being built already!! Haha I must be crazy to be blogging about ERPs.... okays nevermind just that I never did realise that there are so many ERPs in Singapore since my parents don't own a car.... Oh whatever I must be insane to be blogging about this kind of stupid stuff... Lol I shall come up with something better next time to blog about....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 Y 1:29 am

It's been so long since I last blogged sia....

Just visited the beach for awhile and did some crazy stuff, especially my brother...


of course I am stronger... XD


doubled over with laughter


Me & Lucas ♥

Monday, September 15, 2008 Y 2:05 am

hehe heven't blogged for a wk! :D I like love Mooncake Festival! Mum bought 2 green tea mooncakes for me! Then we went for barbecue! The starting fire was destroyed when my brother decided to show off his muscles by fanning the charcoal - till the fire went out. Idiot! It was close to an hour before we finally could barbecue!!!!


dad and I!




stupid brother - trying to strangle me???

our dinner which I barbecued!

Monday, September 08, 2008 Y 2:29 am

yea! Back in school! Kinda great to see everyone again....

Today's LA presentation was super funny! Our group went first and our modern interpretation was Tom and Jerry... I was Jerry and I had to wear those mouse ears....



Caris's group and Sylvia's group were really good! Hmm maybe I would see them on television in the near future...

Which reminds me, Weixin said that I would be the first to get married when I grow up. Everyone else agreed, saying that I had the "look".

Made a bet with them.

Cherisse --> Mooncake

Hui Wen --> ferrero roche

Zi Ying --> Chocolate fondue

Tabitha --> Bubble tea

Weixin --> Abalone

They are gonna match me up with some guy so that I can get married by 21. And they wanna see my kids. lol i probably haven't even study finish yet... just you guys wait, maybe I will be left on the shelf arh.... :P

Friday, September 05, 2008 Y 1:18 am

so love is the start of every miracle.......

even a robot can develop a will of its own...

even a robot can be more human than a human can ever be...

here's the story, of how a someone who has never had a boyfriend, find her own true love... from a robot! Izawa Riko has never had a boyfriend in her entire life. One day she meets salesman Namikiri, who introduces her to his company, Kronos' Heavens.Thinking that it was some matchmaking session, she happily selected the "criteria" of her boyfriend. Fetches her from work, a little jealous of her, able to cook etc. She even chose the ideal face! Just when Riko forgot all about the mysterious company, a package arrives and there is a...

naked guy...

no no no

dead naked guy.....


A robot! (to be activated by a kiss)

Watch Absolute Boyfriend (zettai Kareshi), the comical japanese drama to find out more about how Riko lives her life, filled with comical acts, friendship, betrayal. See how she chooses between a human, Asamoto Soushi and a robot, Tenjo Night. Would she choose Soushi, her crush, or the programmed robot who says "I love you" everytime? At the same time, will she ever make it to Paris to fufill her dreams as a pastry chef? Night then starts to develop his own will and goes out of his programming. Would he be able to live happily ever after with Riko?

What are you waiting? Watch now, the absolutely nice show - Absolute Boyfriend!

Quotes from the show:Love is the start of every miracle.I want to create so many memories with you that I would forget today's.

Zettai Kareshi

Thursday, September 04, 2008 Y 6:56 am

Had my first study group of the year today with Hui Ting and Clement today. At least it was more fruitful than last year's. i tink we were slacking then... oops. :D

woke up late. super duper late. what's more mum bought breakfast. Took 25 min to gobble down the whole big packet that is double the normal size of bee hoon.

Bathing took 10 min. Packing bag -> another 10.

left e house at 10.15 when i was supposed to reach at 10. oops sorry abt tat you guys....

hehe i like Clement's mom's cooking! And she rocks! So warm and friendly.... :D

So I spent 8 hours there mugging.

super tired.

met Caris at the lift. Shock of my life! Forget that they lived in the same block...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008 Y 5:38 am

Sakura wishes to do a kind deed today. So she shall address the grievances of somebody...

I can't believe that there are people who are so thick-skinned, living in the same world as me. That stupid, idiot flirtatious guy. Rarr... told my friend that he had feelings for her when I saw him doing the same to another girl. Plus there are countless of girls out there who told me that he had once confessed his PASSIONATE feelings for them.

"You are the one and only I love. You are really special to me. You know, I’ve never felt this way before.”


Oh right. I bet while he was confessing, he was busy thinking about how to confess to another girl. Puhleeze, it’s not like you are some famous person who turns heads. I don’t think that you have the right to flirt with my friend.


No one deserves to do such a thing. I mean liking someone isn’t like that right? I thought it was about giving one’s heart. Not cutting it into many pieces and giving it out. Not toying around with the opposite. At least that should be it.

I don’t know about that guy out there, but you better not hurt anyone. Perhaps you might find someone whom you truly like one day. But before that….


Friday, August 29, 2008 Y 5:50 am

Went for the once a year Japanese summer festival at the Japanese School last Saturday, 23 August!

me and Hui Ting at the school... I dun tink i was looking at e camera

me & my bro

Ah boy's lunch

my lunch - unagi don, とても美味しい!(Delicous!)

Ah boy with his prize...

both of us with our water balloons and fans

i ♥ my fans!

ah boy so cute! + cool!


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23 February


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